2025 3rd International Conference on Remote Sensing, Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (RSMG 2025)
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Submit to Conference Proceedings (EI)

All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to EI Compendex / Scopus  for indexing.

RSMG 2023

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RSMG 2024

Ei Compendex

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1. Conference Proceedings
submitted articles should report original research results, experimental or theoretical, not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence, any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

2. Journal Name: Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences (JEES)

ISSN (Online): 2661-3190

Journal Introduction: Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences is an international multidisciplinary journal publishing original results on innovative approaches and scientific findings of environmental & earth sciences as well as significant interaction between human activities, natural resources, environments or climate changes.

Abstracted and indexed in(Parts):

-Engineering Village-GEOBASE


-Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS)

-Google Scholar

-CNKI Scholar

Journal Name: Sensors
ISSN: 1424-8220

Publisher: MDPI

2022 Impact Factor3.92023 CiteScore7.3Time to First Decision16.4 DaysTime to Publication41 Days

Journal Introduction: The journal covers all research areas of sensor science and technology, such as physical sensors, smart sensors, sensor networks, biosensors, chemical sensors, radars, wearable electronics and advanced sensing materials and their applications in the fields of Internet of Things, industry, agriculture, environment, remote sensing, navigation, communication, vehicles, imaging, biomedicine, etc.

Abstracted and Indexed in(Parts):

Ø Scopus

Ø Science Citation Index Expanded

Ø PubMed

Ø EI Compendex





Special Issue: Atmospheric Optical Remote Sensing 

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 October 2024


Ø Atmospheric remote sensing

Ø Atmospheric optical imaging

Ø Atmospheric optical properties

Ø Optical remote sensing data processing

Ø Climate monitoring

☆The conference papers which get acceptance finally will have the opportunity to be published in the journal Sensors.☆
Please contact AEIC Editorial office if you have any questions. Welcome to submit your conference papers to RSMG2025!